Comment réaliser un business plan ? élaboration d’un plan d’affaire
The " Business plan "It describes and quantifies management's long-term plans (vision) for the company's activities in a quantified presentation supported by multiple but consistent considerations.
A Business plan simplified "Thus integrates all the main and significant aspects of the future life of the company or project: purchasing policy, production plan, marketing plan, sales strategy, human resources management, accounting, finance, ...
The financial plan, for its part, reflects the numerical aggregation of all these aspects in order, at the end of the fiscal year, to specify the profitability that can reasonably be expected.
Lʹutility of the " business plan management "However, the work of the project team is not limited to the launch of the project or the incorporation of the company. It is an essential work in many ways.
- An opportunity for management to take a step back from day-to-day operations ("day to day activities").
- The formalization of a strategic and management contract between the management and the shareholders. The provision of strategic guidelines to which the management can refer in its management, if necessary.
- A tool for shareholders to evaluate the performance of the company and its management.
Ensure the viability of your business The business plan is only a written version of your vision, what you put in it does not influence the reality of things. So be extremely frank.
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